Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Marriage

How does someone know whether or not their investment was worth the cost? The obvious answer is based on the amount of return. Marriage probably has more initial cost than any other investment because you are giving your life to another person. From first-hand experience I can say that the return on this investment will vary depending on how much of your life you are willing to give to your spouse. There is no better example of this than that of Jesus Christ laying down his life for his bride(the Church). God has never made a larger investment than that of allowing his Son to be the payment in full, which would allow him to spend eternity with his bride. That is a perfect marriage.
Tanya and I are in the eighth year of our marriage, which has grown from one that could've ended after the first year, to one that is a wonderful example of redemption, unity, and desire to continually grow together in the Lord. We do not have a perfect marriage but we do have total investment and by looking at the example of the love that the Lord has for his bride, we have direction.
Without a doubt we are entering the most difficult valley(psalm 23) that either of us has ever faced. When you hear the words cancer, tumor, chemotherapy, radiation, it is like being hit by a hurricane that was not on the radar screen. While there are many emotional stages we have gone through, we have been well prepared because our marriage is built on the foundation of Jesus Christ which is able to withstand any storm. I love my wife and am proud to be going through this with her. It is an honor and a privilege to walk by faith together into the unknown all the while knowing that no matter what happens physically we have a seat reserved at the table of the greatest wedding feast that will ever take place. I love you Tanya, you have given me a bigger return on my investment than I could ever understand or even hope for.


  1. Amen, my son! Your spiritual growth is astounding to me! Even though you are my son, I look to you for guidance in my spiritual walk. And through all of this, I think you both will be, and are, an inspiration to many about how to give glory to God even through these very dark days.

    I wish you two didn't have to go through all of this; and yet, at the same time, it's an amazing thing to watch! The bond that I see forming from this between you & Tanya is a testimony to the power of God's love!

    I am very proud of you both at how you are handling yourselves. Thank you for answering the call and letting your lives be used for His purpose.

    I love you both! Glory to God in the Highest!

  2. Kevin you truely are amazing!!! I am so proud of the way you are walking side by side with Tanya every step of the way. You are an example to so many. May God Bless you and your family.

  3. I sure do love you guys. Although I hate seeing your family endure this trial I will say that you are walking through this storm with such beauty and strength that could only come from knowing the Lord. It's quite humbling to be honest. We are in conintual prayer for you and your family and are praying for your closest loved ones and friends to see who Jesus is through all of this. We love you all!

  4. This made me cry. What an astounding blessing to go through this crisis, not only with Jesus, but with a spouse who loves Him and you with an intensity that can only be measured in light of eternity. Our prayer is that God strengthens you both in your relationship with Him and with one another.

    Thanks so much for sharing your love for Tanya. It blessed me immensely, never having met you, to see the heart of the person God has ordained to guide and comfort her through this difficult season.
