Tuesday, August 25, 2009

shaking the tambourine

Exodus 14 and 15 give the account of the Israelites crossing the Red sea.  With their backs to the sea and Pharaoh's army approaching, the Israelites are complaining to Moses and wondering why the Lord brought them there to die.
As we all know; Moses parts the sea, they cross over on dry land, and Pharaoh's army is swallowed up in the sea. The Israelites respond by singing praises to the Lord and Miriam is shaking the tambourine.  A few weeks before we started this journey I was listening to Jon Courson comment on this passage and he noted how the Israelites rightly gave glory to Lord after He delivered them but how much greater it would have been if Miriam had played the tambourine before the sea was parted.  This has been our theme during this trial, we don't know what the outcome is going to be, but we are shaking the tambourine before the Lord part's the sea.  HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!